Sunday 15 March 2020

So Much Terrain!

   I have been working fairly consistently on terrain the last couple of weeks in my limited hobby painting time. The results are a fair bit of work done on Frostgrave terrain and a few random pieces as well. That would, of course, include finishing up those minefields for Team Yankee that I showed off a few posts back.

   So here are a few photos of what I have managed to accomplish:

These are supposed to be bases but I thought they would look good as ruined scatter terrain.

An experiment in bamboo stands and some additional small trees.
I should do a few trees up as Frostgrave bushes I think.

The largest piece of Frostgrave terrain I have. It gives a bit of a third dimension to
the battlefield, which it desperately needs. I need a tower, too.

A harmless statue, or a devastating golem?

Another statue? And yet another ruined wall... are there no buildings still standing?

More tombstones (I think I will sell some on eBay)
Also, a trio of beer barrels. Because beer.

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