Sunday 26 April 2020

inBINcible Writeup - Golang Binary Reversing

This file is an 32bits elf binary, compiled from go language (i guess ... coded by @nibble_ds ;)
The binary has some debugging symbols, which is very helpful to locate the functions and api calls.

GO source functions:
-  main.main
-  main.function.001

If the binary is executed with no params, it prints "Nope!", the bad guy message.

~/ncn$ ./inbincible 

Decompiling the main.main function I saw two things:

1. The Argument validation: Only one 16 bytes long argument is needed, otherwise the execution is finished.

2. The key IF, the decision to dexor and print byte by byte the "Nope!" string OR dexor and print "Yeah!"

The incoming channel will determine the final message.

Dexor and print each byte of the "Nope!" message.

This IF, checks 16 times if the go channel reception value is 0x01, in this case the app show the "Yeah!" message.

Go channels are a kind of thread-safe queue, a channel_send is like a push, and channel_receive is like a pop.

If we fake this IF the 16 times, we got the "Yeah!" message:

(gdb) b *0x8049118
(gdb) commands
>set {char *}0xf7edeef3 = 0x01

(gdb) r 1234567890123456
tarting program: /home/sha0/ncn/inbincible 1234567890123456

Ok, but the problem is not in main.main, is main.function.001 who must sent the 0x01 via channel.
This function xors byte by byte the input "1234567890123456" with a byte array xor key, and is compared with another byte array.

=> 0x8049456:       xor    %ebp,%ecx
This xor,  encode the argument with a key byte by byte

The xor key can be dumped from memory but I prefer to use this macro:

(gdb) b *0x8049456
(gdb) commands
>i r  ecx
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x12 18

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x45 69

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x33 51

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x87 135

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x65 101

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x12 18

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x45 69

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x33 51

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x87 135

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x65 101

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x12 18

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x45 69

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x33 51

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x87 135

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x65 101

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x12 18

The result of the xor will compared with another array byte,  each byte matched, a 0x01 will be sent.

The cmp of the xored argument byte,
will determine if the channel send 0 or 1

(gdb) b *0x0804946a
(gdb) commands
>i r al

At this point we have the byte array used to xor the argument, and the byte array to be compared with, if we provide an input that xored with the first byte array gets the second byte array, the code will send 0x01 by the channel the 16 times.

Now web have:



Xor is reversible, then we can get the input needed to dexor to the expected values in order to send 0x1 bytes through the go channel.

>>> x=''
>>> for i in range(len(xorKey)):
...     x+= chr(xorKey[i] ^ mustGive[i])
>>> print x


And that's the key :) let's try it:

~/ncn$ ./inbincible 'G0w1n!C0ngr4t5!!'

Got it!! thanx @nibble_ds for this funny crackme, programmed in the great go language. I'm also a golang lover.

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ShodanEye: Collect Infomation About All Devices Connected To The Internet With Shodan

About ShodanEye
   This tool collects all information about all devices that are directly connected to the internet with the specified keywords that you enter. This way you get a complete overview.

   Here you can read the latest article about Shodan Eye: Shodan Eye Ethical Hacking Tool Release

   The types of devices that are indexed can vary enormously: from small desktops, refrigerators to nuclear power plants and everything in between. You can find everything using "your own" specified keywords. Examples can be found in a file that is attached:

   The information obtained with this tool can be applied in many areas, a small example:
  • Network security, keep an eye on all devices in your company or at home that are confronted with internet.
  • Vulnerabilities. And so much more.
   For additional data gathering, you can enter a Shodan API key when prompted. A Shodan API key can be found here

Shodan Eye Ethical Hacking Tool Release
   Before we start the year 2020, today there is a new big release ..! Please note, if you have already installed Shodan Eye on your computer, then it is worthwhile to read it carefully. Of course, even if you don't know this Shodan tool yet:
  • Shodan Eye goes from Python 2 to Python 3
  • Save the output of the Shodan Eye results
  • The entry of the Shodan password is no longer visible.

About Shodan Search Engine
   Shoan is a search engine that lets the user find specific types of computers (webcams, routers, servers, etc.) connected to the internet using a variety of filters. Some have also described it as a search engine of service banners, which are metadata that the server sends back to the client.

   What is the difference between Google or another search engine: The most fundamental difference is that Shodan Eye crawls on the internet, Google on the World Wide Web. However, the devices that support the World Wide Web are only a small part of what is actually connected to the Internet.

Before use this tool, you should note that:
  • This was written for educational purpose and pentest only.
  • The author will not be responsible for any damage ..!
  • The author of this tool is not responsible for any misuse of the information.
  • You will not misuse the information to gain unauthorized access.
  • This information shall only be used to expand knowledge and not for causing malicious or damaging attacks.
  • Performing any hacks without written permission is illegal..!

ShodanEye's screenshots:

ShodanEye Installation
   If you're using GNU/Linux, open your terminal and enter these commands:

   If you're a Windows user, follow these steps to install ShodanEye:
  • Download and run Python 3.7.x setup file from On Install Python 3.7, enable Add Python 3.7 to PATH.
  • Download file.>
  • Then unzip it.
  • Open CMD or PowerShell window at the Osueta folder you have just unzipped and enter these commands:
    pip install shodan

Video Shodan Eye on YouTube:

Contact to the author:

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Wotop - Web On Top Of Any Protocol

WOTOP is a tool meant to tunnel any sort of traffic over a standard HTTP channel.
Useful for scenarios where there's a proxy filtering all traffic except standard HTTP(S) traffic. Unlike other tools which either require you to be behind a proxy which let's you pass arbitrary traffic (possibly after an initial CONNECT request), or tools which work only for SSH, this imposes no such restrictions.

Assuming you want to use SSH to connect to a remote machine where you don't have root privileges.
There will be 7 entities:
  1. Client (Your computer, behind the proxy)
  2. Proxy (Evil)
  3. Target Server (The remote machine you want to SSH to, from Client)
  4. Client WOTOP process
  5. Target WOTOP process
  6. Client SSH process
  7. Target SSH process
If there was no proxy, the communication would be something like:
Client -> Client SSH process -> Target Server -> Target SSH process
In this scenario, here's the proposed method:
Client -> Client SSH process -> Client WOTOP process -> Proxy -> Target WOTOP process -> Target SSH process -> Target Server
WOTOP simply wraps all the data in HTTP packets, and buffers them accordingly.
Another even more complicated scenario would be if you have an external utility server, and need to access another server's resources from behind a proxy. In this case, wotop will still run on your external server, but instead of using localhost in the second command (Usage section), use the hostname of the target machine which has the host.

On the client machine:
./wotop <client-hop-port> <server-host-name> <server-hop-port>
On the target machine:
./wotop <server-hop-port> localhost <target-port> SERVER
(Note the keyword SERVER at the end)
In case of SSH, the target-port would be 22. Now once these 2 are running, to SSH you would run the following:
ssh <target-machine-username>@localhost -p <client-hop-port>
Note: The keyword server tells wotop which side of the connection has to be over HTTP.

Planned features
  • Better and adaptive buffering
  • Better CLI flags interface
  • Optional encrypting of data
  • Parsing of .ssh/config file for hosts
  • Web interface for remote server admin
  • Web interface for local host
  • Daemon mode for certain configs

  • Currently uses a 100ms sleep after every send/receive cycle to bypass some memory error (not yet eliminated).
  • HTTP Responses may come before HTTP Requests. Let me know if you know of some proxy which blocks such responses.
  • Logger seems to be non-thread-safe, despite locking. Leads to memory errors, and thus disabled for now.

via KitPloit
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Saturday 25 April 2020

Ethical Hackers Platform: How To Install A bWAPP In Windows 2018

bWAPP, or a buggy web application, is a free and open source deliberately insecure web application. It helps security enthusiasts, developers and students to discover and to prevent web vulnerabilities. bWAPP prepares one to conduct successful penetration testing and ethical hacking projects.

What makes bWAPP so unique? Well, it has over 100 web vulnerabilities!
It covers all major known web bugs, including all risks from the OWASP Top 10 project.  bWAPP is for web application security-testing and educational purposes only.

Have fun with this free and open source project!
bWAPP is a PHP application that uses a MySQL database. It can be hosted on Linux/Windows with Apache/IIS and MySQL. It can also be installed with WAMP or XAMPP. Another possibility is to download the bee-box, a custom Linux VM pre-installed with bWAPP.

First of all you have need to install a local server over system that may be XAMPP, WAMP or LAMP. These servers are totally free of cost you can freely download from the internet. Mostly XAMPP is used because it has more functionalities than others on the other hand WAMP is also a simple platform for PHP while, LAMP is used over the Linux distributions. After downloading any one of them you have need to install that first after that you'll be able to configure bWAPP over your system.

Why we use the software application for configuring this bWAPP? As we know PHP is a server side language and there must be a server to read the PHP script. Without using any server we can't do programming with PHP. If you have a little piece of code of PHP you must install a server in your system for running that PHP script.