Saturday 11 April 2020

Changing The Rules Of The Game (Rules As Played)

One of my tenets is that each of my various toy soldier collections should provide a different sort of game.  That could be a different time period, a different level of game or a different setting. For the last few years I have had a conflict with my 54mm Toy Soldier and 1/72 ACW collections were covering the same historical era and sometimes at the same level with Battalion level units.

I've been trying to push the 54's lower since they are largely used for a fictional setting based on historical campaigns with low level actions but I have also been making periodic efforts to change my ACW games to slightly larger battles. This current campaign is another try at that but the rules for the first fight were merely OK and not quite where I wanted to be.  So, I have taken another shot at it and so far it is encouraging.

Here is a copy of the initial version. (and yes they owe quite a bit to Fire & Fury but are much simpler and capable of being played 'heads up' without constant referral to charts and long lists of factors/modifiers.) 


Mini Campaign Battle Rules (Brigade Units Quick Ref: as played 10 April 2020 then retired)

Brigades: Groups of 2 to 8 infantry or cavalry stands. A General + 2-4 brigades form a Division Engaged: A unit within 3" of enemy may only shoot, move towards enemy that is engaging them or retreat. 
Hits: Infantry and cavalry lose a stand for every 2 hits. Artillery are removed when they have taken 4 hits. 
Shaken: Infantry and cavalry brigades are shaken when they have lost over 1/2 of their stands. Artillery are shaken when they have taken 3 hits.
Fresh: Unit has not lost any stands.  Artillery have not taken any hits.

Initiative: My usual card system or roll a die to see who goes first this turn. 
Movement: First player activates and moves units. 
Defensive Fire: Inactive player units may shoot or, if engaged, mounted cavalry, may charge. Offensive Fire: Active player units may shoot or, if engaged mounted cavalry, may charge.
Resolve Charges

Activation. First player activates units one at a time by rolling a die, checking the chart and then moving. Disordered units must test, others only need to test if the player wishes to move them.  Roll 1d6 +/- mods: +1 Gen within 6", +1 Fresh or Vet/Elite unit, -1 Shaken, -1 Disordered.
 5,6+=Steady: Full move. Rally from disorder. 
 3,4= Cautious: 1/2 move. No charge. Rally from disorder. 
 1,2= Hesitant: No advance, No rally 
 0 or less = Broken. Retreat a full move in disorder, take 1/2 d6 hits from straggling. 

Movement. Infantry: 12", Cavalry: 18" Mtd, 9" dismtd., Arty: 12" 
Manoeuvres. A unit which is within 6" of the front of an enemy unit may only advance directly towards it or retreat directly away. O/W units may face/move in any direction. It takes 1/2 move to change formation or pass through friends unless retreating in disorder but up to 2 stands may be refused or dropped back to pass through a defile without penalty. 
Charge! A charge is a move to within 3" of enemy. 
Terrain. Infantry moves 1/2 speed in difficult terrain, Cavalry and artillery move 1/2 speed in broken terrain only. Road +6" in column 1 wide. Ignore off road terrain. 

Combat. Target must be visible, in range and in frontal arc reaching out 45 degrees either side or ahead. Count front rank only, Disordered units roll 1/2 the normal number of dice. 
  Rifles: 5,6 hits 3" 1d/stand 6" 1d/2 stands 
  Carbine or Musket: 5,6 hits 3" 1d/stand 6" 1d/3 stands 
  Artillery: 5,6 hits 6" 3d/gun 24" 2d/gun 
  Attached General in charge combat: 1d 5,6=inflict 1 hit or cancel 1, 1=General wounded 
 Superior firepower: +1 superior firepower eg breechloaders, sharpshooters, heavy guns 
 Terrain: 1/2 effect vs cover or if charging over an obstacle or if mtd cav in woods.

Charge Resolution (within 3")  Roll 1 die for each unit that fought in a charge. +1 for each hit inflicted on enemy. +1 if Elite/Veteran -1 if Shaken or Poor. Compare to opposing units. If lower retreat a half move in disorder, If less than 1/2  rout a full move in disorder and lose 1/2 d6 stragglers.

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